The World in a Plate|No.38 x My Indonesian Love letter



After a long 2 years staying in Japan for my Japanese Language school and now work, I am finally able to come back home to Indonesia.

The beauty of living abroad is whenever you go back to your country it is a given time and place to just reflect on your life and catch up with everybody you’ve left behind. I miss them, they miss me. I’m glad I’m home.





I was wondering what to give my grandma other than scarves and good Japanese makeup ( a classic souvenir for people)…

Then I realized: Hold on, I can give No.38 Canned Mackerels!

It’s something only both of us in our family enjoy so much! One thing i keep on looking forward to whenever i come back home is my Grandma’s cooking. Especially this dish called Rawon.




My grandma and I got into canned fish because she get gifts from her church as part of the widowed community. Giving food or what we call ‘Sembako’ (basic food necessities) is their way to say thanks for taking care of each other. Hence, whenever we’re alone together, we’ll create dishes with it. It is our regular thing!

As years passed, her friends started to leave her and we all become busy with our lives. That’s why these little time i cook canned fish with her is something I cherish the most.

It’s like ingrained in her blood: The desire to cook for somebody.
It’s my grandma’s way of communicating her love.


Never a day in my life have I ever had no meal ready when I arrived home from school or my parents from work. Even if we didn’t want any food, my grandma would always prepare something ‘just in case.’ Whenever i feel sick or sad, there will always be a meal to accompany me. Not to mention, our family would also host parties for other family members! So it’s our duty to bring all the food out for everybody to eat!

Rawon is something I would crave even to this day!
I wouldn’t be able to get the ingredients here in Japan as it is native to the Indonesia region.

その食材は「パンギノキ」と呼ばれています! ただし、シアン化物を含んでいるので、調理する際には十分注意し、正しく処理しなければなりません。


That ingredient is called Keluwek (Pangium edule) If it’s not prepared properly it’s pretty toxic (literally) because it has cyanide inside.

Don't worry, when you buy it, the toxins have already been safely removed. However, my grandma would still try to remove any leftover toxins by soaking it again overnight. To check whether it has been removed or not, you need to taste a sample of it. If it’s not bitter it’s safe, if it’s not then no.

パンギノキは色々な鳥、肉、魚スープかシチューに合います!今回は、おばあちゃんがNo.38 辛さが際立つガーリックオイル仕立てサバ缶使ってみます!

おばあちゃんがNo.38 辛さが際立つガーリックオイル仕立てを味見したときに、目が大きくなった「これはすごく美味しい!またインドネシアに戻ったら持ってきて!」と言いました。普段、外国料理をあまり好きではないのに、この反応はすごく珍しいから良かったと思いました!

Keluwek can be used in many form of soup with either chicken, beef or fish! This round my grandma is making it ala No.38 Garlic Chili Oil .

When she opened the can and tasted it for the first time… her eyes lit!
“Eh ini enak banget… bawa lagi yah” she said (This is so good! please bring more when you come back!) Coming from my grandma who is picky with foreign food. She 200% loved it straight out of the can!

No.38 辛さが際立つガーリックオイル仕立ては、パンギノキとインドネシアの定番調味料とよく合います!(唐辛子、ターメリック、ニンニク、ベイリーフ、エシャロット、タマリンド、レモングラスなど)。Taste Atlasによると、ラウォンは世界のベスト10スープに選ばれました。*


No.38 Chili and Garlic marries really well with the keluwak seasoning such as more chili, tumeric, garlic, bay leaf, shallots, tamarind, lemongrass and more! (btw, this is just a tiny part of Indonesian ingredients) To my surprise, this dark soup was considered as the top 10 best soup according to taste atlas.*

But honestly… To me this really just taste like home…



I’m glad I had time to go back Indonesia and I especially glad I’m able to keep this part of. my memory and elevate it with something special with my grandma.

I wonder if these days you’ve did something with your grandma or family?


Here’s a picture of my grandma dressed up to the airport saying farewell as i fly back to Japan.


Check out our No.38 Global Social Media account! We will be posting a video for this article, so please follow us~

